We are aware that economic growth is directly related to the sustainability of the ecosystem. We, thus, recognize our responsibility to actively contribute to environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources. Aiming at a sustainable development, we have,since 2002, applied a clear and comprehensive environmental policy with strict rules that are consistent with our values and cover the operations of all departments. Environmentally friendly working conditions are, therefore, a top priority. Our environmental policy includes continuous effort to minimize the direct and indirect impact of our operations to the environment, to reduce electricity, water and oil consumption, achieve “cleaner” production processes and to recycle paper, plastic and all packaging materials. These practices are implemented by everyone and are part of the company’s social responsibility culture.
The safe working environment is one of Grantex’s most important assets. Being aware that companies are more productive and efficient if their people feel safe, we ensure the necessary hygiene conditions, cultivating a sense of safety, improve continuously and adapt to new challenges.
The safe working environment is one of Grantex’s most important assets. Being aware that companies are more productive and efficient if their people feel safe, we ensure the necessary hygiene conditions, cultivating a sense of safety, improve continuously and adapt to new challenges.

Ambition is your passion, your drive, and the love of what you do and it affords you the vision to imagine something so unbelievable, you may just make it come true
Passion and ambition are crucial for growing and building a new business and leaders should encourage all employees to be as ambitious as possible. Aspiration should be used to highlight strengths and distinguish oneself.
Search for spare parts and tools among 20.000 products, divided in 63 catalogues, with one click.

All spare parts are of top quality and go through continuous controls based on the company’s specialized quality system.
If you wish to receive a catalogue with our products, please fill in the form in capital letters:

Differentiate Through New Services
Technology is helping enterprises simplify process and supercharge the everyday
- Our self-serve consumer lives have taught us to expect more from the day-to-day employee experience
- Enterprise IT needs to meet the growing demand for automation technologies that connect and empower employees — wherever they are
- Automation enables businesses to be ready for change — to build a more sustainable, competitive edge
A good employee experience (EX) is built on efficient ways of working, freeing employees from repetitive tasks to create a more rewarding workday – one that is spent on interesting, high-value projects.
But for business leaders looking to deliver the experiences that employees now demand, where should they start?
The short answer: good EX thrives on well-designed automation.
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Boost Customer Experience
Backed all the way by a global market leaderur.
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And through our innovations, we are building the advanced
battery industry for hybrid and electric vehicles too: we were the
first company in the world to produce lithium-ion batteries for
mass-production hybrid vehicles.
Our commitment to sustainability is also evidenced by
our world-class technology, manufacturing and recycling

Enhance operational efficiency and increase productivity
VARTA® is powered by Johnson Controls Power Solutions, the
global leader in lead-acid automotive batteries and advanced
batteries for
StartStop, hybrid and electric vehicles.
In fact, our
50 manufacturing, recycling and distribution centres supply
more than one third of the world’s lead-acid batteries to major
automakers and aftermarket retailers.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.